Even Superman Needs The Sun


There goes my ride.

I haven’t been working for the last three days. I feel weak and I’m shivering when my temperature elevates. My throat hurts, my body aches and my wallet whines.

My pee smelled like it’s contaminated with chemicals. Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen have become my very good friends.

What’s worst, any food I eat tastes dull. I guess my mom’s wish that I lose weight will finally come true.

Hopefully by tomorrow, I can report back in better condition.

In the last few days, I pretended like I’m wearing a red cape: slept less than six hours a day, worked like a bull and did not have regular spiritual nourishment.

Regretfully, I began to discover that I am no man of steel.

One significant daily discipline I often neglect is to build up my reserves.

I am now learning the importance of knowing my limits and showing restraint. Despite his Kryptonian strength, Superman knows he can’t go through lead.


Recently, I upgraded my phone. My old one is already demonstrating some problems.

“It has an eight-megapixel camera and HD video recording. It will be a huge discount on my part against buying them individually “, I rationalized.

“It has retina display, utilizes 4G network, has a 4-inch screen with oil-resistant coating, operates on an advanced operating system…”, I started to drool. I even forgot I have fever that day.

Who am I bargaining with? Of course in a moment’s heartbeat, I had given in to the culture of consumerism with open arms.

Currently, I’m reading Mark Sanborn’s “Up, Down and Sideways.” He explains, “Indulgences become detrimental when they go from occasional to regular, and the distance between the two is a slippery slope.”

“I know I bought a seven-inch tablet as a ‘gift’ for myself last Christmas”, I can’t help my eyeballs from rolling upwards.

I confess, I slipped. I spent on something more than I can make.

Mr. Sanborn further elucidates, “Saving is something we should do regardless of our circumstances.” When situations become tight, we can no longer create them.

He empathizes “Changing our spending and saving habits isn’t easy.” ( Yeah, you’re right!) He further motivates, “But it is possible! Building financial reserves starts with a commitment to do so, and it’s never too late to start.”

More importantly, he also emphasizes the importance of building our spiritual reserves.

Quoting the words of Dallas Willard on his book, he also encourages, “A carefully cultivated heart, assisted by the grace of God, foresee, forestall or transform most of the painful situations before which others stand like helpless children saying ‘Why?’ ”

He is right. Building reserves is a survivor’s secret.

Skydivers have backup chutes in case the primary one doesn’t work; definitely, it’s hard to ask for help when you’re way up there and falling down rapidly.

Even Superman basks under the sun for replenishment.

I learned my mistake. I am not from Krypton. I don’t even own my life and whatever I have.

God does. And He guides me to a point in my life where I will know He is my everything.