Sorrow Rhymes with Joy

Inspiring millions of people, Helen Steiner Rice’ poetry radiates the profound yearnings of every individual who seeks a deeper relationship with God. With compassion and sincerity, she joyfully writes each uplifting verse to share about God’s love.

She grew up in a family that nurtured her faith in God and love for His Word. Life had been fairly good for Helen until it was punctuated by episodes of misfortune.

Her father died during the 1918 flu epidemic and left her devastated.

After losing his job, Franklin Rice, her husband, sank into depression and committed suicide.

Her mother, whom she’s very close to, suddenly died of a heart attack.

At a mature age, her health deteriorated and she began to experience depression.

Despite of all her sufferings, she acknowledges, “All things work together to complete God’s master plan, and He can see what’s best for man.” Her circumstances led her to commune closely with God and to become more sensitive with the plight of others.

Out from her sorrows, she wrote,


When everything is pleasant and bright

And the things we do turn out just right,

We feel without question that God is real,

For when we are happy, how good we feel,



But when the tides turn and gone is the song

And misfortune comes and our plans go wrong,



It is when our senses are reeling

We realize clearly it’s faith and not feeling,

For it takes great faith to patiently wait,

Believing God comes not too soon nor too late.



Helen Steiner Rice anchored her heart at one truth that forever remains —

God’s love never fails, never gives up and never runs out on us. His love is constant through trials and change.



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